Experiència en Muntanya


EXPERIENCIA EN MUNTANYA is a company which was created to start a mountain school and a mountain guiding service in the Principality of Andorra. The objective is to give service in mountain sport activities like Trekking, Canyoning, Via Ferrata, rock climbing, snow shoeing, ski mountaineer and alpinism in and out of Andorra.


EXPERIENCIA EN MUNTANYA was established with the personal and professional concern of three people, Mark Crichton, Toni Rodriguez and Gerard Olm, who after working together and gathering climbing experience over a period of more than 6 years and having been in charge of a team of professional mountain leaders, put their project forward with the objective to create a mountain school and a mountain guide service in Andorra.


The objectives for EXPERIENCIA EN MUNTANYA are the organization and realization of mountain sport activities, training courses, technical outings, trek kings and adventure trips, for individual clients, groups of adults or children, school kids, retired people and company incentives, inside or out of the Pyrenees, always with qualified and recognized professionals in the different activities.

The professional Team of EXPERIENCIA EN MUNTANYA

Mark Crichton Eustace

Mark Crichton Eustace

  • Mountain leaders level II (Efpem 1))
  • Canyon guide level 2 (Efpem) (Cfnam 2)) ( FFS EFC 3) )
  • Mountain leaders in Vias Ferratas (Efpem)
  • Rock climbing instructors
  • National ski instructor level 2 (EFPEM)
  • Alpine ski trainer (EFPEM)
  • Examiner mountain leaders courses (EFPEM)
  • Catalan, English, Spanish, French
  • 15 years as a mountain leader

Toni Rodriguez Rubio

Toni Rodriguez Rubio

  • Mountain leaders level II
  • Canyon guide level 2( EFPEM, CFAM, FFS)
  • Rock climbing instructors
  • Mountain leaders in Vias Ferratas (EFPEM)
  • National ski instructor level 2 (EFPEM)
  • Canyon trainer (EFPEM)
  • Examiner mountain leaders courses (EFPEM)
  • Catalan, Spanish, French, English
  • 13 years as a mountain leader

Gerard Olm Palmitjavila

Gerard Olm Palmitjavila

  • Mountain leaders level II
  • Canyon guide level 2 ( EFPEM, CFAM, FFS)
  • Mountain leaders in Vias Ferratas (EFPEM)
  • Trainer and examiner of mountain leaders (EFPEM)
  • Trainer and jury for professional examinations (SNTF)
  • Grade 3 piste machine driver (France)
  • Author of book “Mountain guide, nature and sport”
  • Brevet national de Pister socorrista grade 3 (ENSA),
  • Nivometeorologic observer, artificier (France)
  • 18 years as a mountain leader

Which are the activities proposed by Experiencia en Muntanya?

1) Efpem : Escola de formació de professions esportives i de muntanya
2) Cfnam : Centre de Formation National des Accompagnateur en Montagne
3) FFS i EFC : Fédération Française de Spéléologie et École Française de Canyoning
