Secure payment

There are several ways in which to pay for your purchases.

100% secure payment by means of banker’s card :

We accept the following cards: VISA, MASTERCARD / EUROCARD.

 Visa, Mastercard

This is the solution that we recommend as it is simple, quick and entirely safe.

The technology developed on our website guarantees the utmost confidentiality regarding the banking information that may transit on it.

Payment by banker’s card comes about directly on our bank’s server, with the application of the SSL protocol, which encrypts all exchanges and ensures the utmost confidentiality.

Banca Privada d'Andorra

Payment by cheque :

The latter will have to be made out in euros and be payable to Bisoux S.L. Upon sending your cheque, please indicate the name under which the reservation should be made, then send it to the following address :

Bisoux S.L - Cyberandorra
Els Refugis Ed. Claror B31
AD 100 Canillo
Principality of Andorra

Upon receipt of the cheque, your order will be taken into account and your reservation voucher will be sent to you by email.

For your information: given the slowness of the postal service coming into Andorra from abroad, we only accept this payment method 15 days prior to the date of the stay.

We appreciate your understanding.

Payment by credit transfer

If you wish, you may pay by credit transfer. Please contact us to obtain indications of the procedure to be followed.

50 Euros in bank charges will be added to the total price of your order.

Payment by postal order

If you opt for this solution, you will have to make the postal order payable to Bisoux S.L. and address it to :

Bisoux S.L - Cyberandorra
Els Refugis Ed. Claror B31
AD 100 Canillo
Principality of Andorra

We will validate your order upon receiving the postal order receipt by fax. Please contact us about this payment method.

Payment in two instalments without charges

If your order is for a relatively far-off date and the sum payable is in excess of 500 euros, we advise that you pay an initial deposit of 30% of the overall sum so as to block availability and then pay the remaining 70% on the 15th of the month prior to your stay.

For information please do not hesitate to contact us by email or telephone.